Time.com | World War II Crimes: The Legal Afterlife of John Demjanjuk

By Christopher Johnston, Time.com (3/22/12)
John Demjanjuk died March 17 as he had lived much of the last 35 years of his life: in the shadow of the courts. And his legal afterlife is likely to see his friends and lawyers trying to wrest him from judicial limbo. At the time of his death, the accused Nazi war criminal from Seven Hills, Ohio, still had two appeals pending. One is in a German court that on May 12 convicted him of being an accessory to the murder of 27,900 Jews in the Sobibor concentration camp. It sentenced him to five years in prison with credit for approximately two years already served. Just shy of 92, Demjanjuk succumbed to bone-marrow disease, chronic kidney disease and old age while residing in a Bavarian nursing facility where the court placed him because of his ailments and pending further proceedings. As of now, he is both guilty and innocent, it seems.
Read Full Story: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2109716,00.html